Health & Wellness

The right local presence and a powerful online credibility

Tailored for : Dentists . Orthodontists . Physiotherapists . Osteopaths . Medical Clinics . Cosmetic Clinics

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A dentist is examining a patient 's teeth in a dental office.
A cell phone with a map and a pin on it next to a Google Review.

85% incorrect or incomplete informations on business listings

Imagine a potential client searching for your service in your area. They come across your business listing but find outdated information about your business hours or contact details. This confusion could lead them to choose a competitor instead.

Your business information, always right

Accurate and always up-to-date

With our solution, you can ensure that your local listings are always up-to-date and accurate. By providing potential clients with the right information when they need it, you not only avoid confusion, but also enhance their overall experience with your brand. Our solution empowers you to take control of your online presence, ensuring that potential clients have the information they need to choose your services with confidence.

Automatic synchronization
Optimization tool
Analytics and insight about your online presence
A bunch of social media icons are displayed on a white background.
A cell phone with a google review on the screen.

Trust and credibility

Let your reviews speaks for you!

In the competitive landscape of the health and wellness industry, trust and credibility are huge. Potential clients often rely on the experiences of others to inform their decisions. This not only reassures potential clients, but also sets you apart from competitors. Our solution empowers you to proactively build trust and credibility, making it easier for clients to choose your services with confidence.

Send 100 SMS per month
Send 1000 emails per month
Use templated review requests to save time

A piece of technology in your pocket

Effortlessly Collect Reviews with our Smart Review Cards

Our NFC cards are designed to be user-friendly and efficient. No need for complicated processes or software—just tap and collect reviews. Plus, our cards are durable and portable, making them ideal for on-the-go business owners.

Unlimited usage
Review filtering system
Compatible with any device
NFC Google cards for businesses.

A clear impact on your business reputation

Start with Dilypse now and put your business
on the MAP!

Start with Dilypse now
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